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Effective leadership requires mindful choices and a strong professional reputation. Emotional intelligence helps leaders understand themselves and others, overcome biases, and adapt their style. Consider your leaders' presence and its impact on stakeholders. Develop a stronger leadership culture by leveraging emotional intelligence.

In her flagship keynote, Sylvie introduces the concept of "The POWER OF CHOICE"— an immersive learning and engaging experience, enhanced by cutting-edge 3D technology. You will go on a mind-bending journey to understand how the power of choice can be harnessed to create truly transformative experiences for your clients and employees.

First impressions matter in business. Leverage emotional intelligence to control the narrative, showcase your best self, and build lasting connections. Improve employee performance, customer satisfaction, sales, and brand reputation.

International keynote speaker, Sylvie di Giusto, brings her expertise from a successful corporate career in Europe to every presentation. Formerly the head of a management academy and innovation hub, she developed innovative programs for high-end education with never-before-used training methods. As the Chief of Staff for the Chief Human Resources Officer of Europe’s largest tourism and retail group, Sylvie also coordinated all group-wide human resources teams and activities. Prior to that, at a consultancy firm, she implemented online and in-person training and development initiatives for Fortune 100 companies. Well versed in the study of social and cultural norms, personal beliefs and values, as well as cognitive biases and thought patterns, her 20 years in learning and development leaves a deep understanding into how ‘The Power of Choice’ impacts an organization’s sales, leadership and growth.

Now, extraordinary leaders and professionals at many of the most respected organizations and associations in the world—from American Express to American Airlines, Hilton to Nespresso, Microsoft to Prudential, and even the US Air Force—trust Sylvie to help them make the right decisions that grow their brands and bottom lines. Building on her five cornerstones of Modern Emotional Intelligence—visual, behavioral, verbal, digital, and social intelligence—Sylvie gives her audiences ‘The Power of Choice’ a conscious decision-making framework that allows us to understand our perceptions, choose our behaviors, and determine our best outcomes.

She is the author of The Image of LeadershipDiscover Your Fair Advantage and the upcoming Make Me Feel Important, in which she leads you deep into the customer experience and shows you how to make every interaction count. Sylvie takes your organization on an entertaining, spectacular, and thought-provoking journey through the brain, the mind, and from the unconscious to the conscious—and ultimately to the heights of personal, professional, and organizational success.


Behavior Collaboration Communication Culture Emotional Intelligence Leadership Organizational Growth Values


Fluent in English



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"Discover Your Fair Advantage: Leverage Your Unique Selling Points and Human Potential for Work, Business, and Life" by Sylvie DiGiusto explores the concept of a 'Fair Advantage,' which refers to the combination of qualities that make an individual distinct and valuable. The book offers practical guidance on identifying and embracing one's strengths, skills, and personal traits to stand out in professional and personal settings. DiGiusto emphasizes the importance of authenticity, self-awareness, and effective communication. Through anecdotes, exercises, and strategies, readers are empowered to leverage their uniqueness for success in careers, business endeavors, and life as a whole.

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In "The Image of Leadership: How Leaders Package Themselves to Stand Out for the Right Reasons" by Sylvie DiGiusto, the author explores the crucial role of personal image in effective leadership. DiGiusto discusses how leaders can shape their appearance, behavior, and communication to project authenticity, credibility, and influence. The book provides practical insights into building a strong personal brand that aligns with leadership qualities. DiGiusto emphasizes the significance of self-awareness, consistency, and intentional image management. Through real-world examples and actionable advice, readers learn how to enhance their image to stand out as genuine, compelling leaders who inspire trust and confidence.

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