
How do you create value by breaking things? In this hour-long* keynote presentation I take your audience on a journey to discover how they can hack their business, their way of doing things, and ultimately themselves. Most think that the word “hacker” sounds negative, but not all hackers are bad. Instead, hackers and hack-thinking are the source of a monumental, positive shift in business, technology, startups and culture all over the world. Hackers can create immense value by breaking things, whether it’s breaking from tradition, process, or simply “the way we’ve always done things.” A new hacking economy – or “hackonomy” – is spreading quickly across industries, from software to hardware, aviation to space exploration.  Hacking is even changing less obvious parts of human life, like dating. And, of course, the hackonomy has a huge impact on marketing.

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Creativity | Innovation | Strategy

Adapt or Disrupt: Creativity's Business ROI

Creativity | Technology | Trends

AI is Your Co-Creator

Behavior | Change Management | Collaboration

Compose Your World

Creativity | Leadership | Sales | Strategy | Technology

Navigating the AI Revolution

Change Management | Innovation | Technology


Critical Thinking | Innovation | Leadership

How to be a Non-Obvious Thinker

Change Management | Futures | Technology

Imagine the Future

Change Management | Collaboration | Communication

Limitless Leadership

Change Management | Leadership | Technology

Uncover Your Inner Change Enthusiasm

Change Management | Collaboration | Service Excellence | Technology

Operation Outsource: Master Efficiency Using Technology

Behavior | Innovation | Performance | Persuasion | Sales | Self Care | Storytelling | Strategy

YOU, Amplified!

Adaptability | Change Management | Culture

Pivot, Don't Panic

Sales | Strategy | Technology

Technology Hack for Increased Sales

Critical Thinking | Innovation | Leadership

The McGuyver Mindset

Emotional Intelligence | Innovation | Leadership

The Power Of “The Only”

Change Management | Collaboration | Culture

Unbreakable Culture

Adaptability | Change Management | Collaboration | Leadership | People

Understanding & Motivating Gen Z

Adaptability | Behavior | Change Management

Unlock Your Big Deal Energy

Behavior | Change Management | Inspiration

You Are Necessary