Establishing Diversity and Inclusion through Ethics

A company’s culture, values, and ethics are vitally important and even more so in the current global climate. There is an innovative pledge being made in boardrooms and amongst leadership teams to establish a unique culture rooted in the principles of ethics and inclusion. The social discourse across all sectors has created pressure on all organizations—government, corporate, non-profit, and social service—to prioritize the mandate that is being made to be the preferred choice for socially conscious products and services. People are evaluating companies for who they are, not just what they offer.

The combination of D&I and ethics continues to shape business. Tying diversity and inclusion policies to ethics, social responsibility, and reputation can increase recruiting, retention, and stock price. And yet, an effective program emphasizes behavior, not just compliance. This workshop will establish core values, identify behaviors that persist in the workplace and deconstruct decisions that do not support with those principles. By examining blindspots and doing a comprehensive risk assessment, an organization can align with its organizational values going forward.

This workshop, upon request, can also review the requirements needed for the Diversity Disclosure Requirement increasingly being requested by regulators.

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Culture | Diversity | Leadership

YOU, Amplified! Leadership

Culture | Leadership | People

Communicate To Connect

Culture | Leadership | Strategy

Creating a Reputational Risk Strategy

Collaboration | Communication | Culture

Digital Body Language

Culture | Inclusion | Leadership

Engineering a Resilient and Inclusive Culture

Culture | Decision Making | Leadership

Ethical Decision-Making and Leadership

Collaboration | Ethics | Leadership

Ethics and Leadership

Collaboration | Creativity | Values

Transforming Your Business From the Inside Out 

Authenticity | Inspiration | Lifestyle | Values

Live Limitlessly

Critical Thinking | Decision Making | Ethics

Lessons in Compliance and Ethics

Adaptability | Lifestyle | Storytelling | Values

Overcoming Adversity

Adaptability | Change Management | Culture

Pivot, Don't Panic

Culture | Decision Making | Inclusion

The Power of Inclusion

Change Management | Collaboration | Culture

Unbreakable Culture

Collaboration | Culture | People

Unstoppable Resilience

Culture | Service Excellence | Values

Working with Purpose