If You Can See It, You Can Be It

Inspirational speaker Chef Jeff knows what it feels like to be hungry, and he knows what it is to struggle. In this presentation he shares two decades of life lessons that he gained on his redemptive journey from drug dealer to TV celebrity chef to nationally acclaimed speaker. With his 12 inspiring and pragmatic street-smart recipes for success, audiences will discover their hidden business aptitudes, make life-changing decisions, and secure personal and professional success. Chef Jeff reveals proven strategies to:

  • Help you push through adversity
  • Remove the obstacles that stand in the way of your success
  • Develop the grit and perseverance you need to thrive

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Influence | Leadership | Storytelling

Actions Speak Louder

Communication | Influence | Leadership

Audacity: Dare to Lead on Purpose

Behavior | Change Management | Collaboration

Compose Your World

Influence | Leadership | People

Disrupting HR for Good

Collaboration | Inclusion | People | Storytelling

Disrupting Workplace Bias 

Behavior | Inspiration | Lifestyle

Fear Less, Do More

Communication | Influence | Leadership

Ignite Your Influence All the Time

Behavior | People | Performance

How to Move Like a Maverick

Behavior | Influence | Storytelling

If You Can See It, You Can Be It

Collaboration | Communication | Influence

Make your Voice Visible in the Workplace

Adaptability | Lifestyle | Storytelling | Values

Overcoming Adversity

Behavior | Innovation | Performance | Persuasion | Sales | Self Care | Storytelling | Strategy

YOU, Amplified!

Behavior | Communication | Persuasion

Turn Conversations Into Cash

Authenticity | Behavior | Sales

Unapologetically You

Diversity | Inclusion | Influence

Become Aware of Unconscious Bias

Adaptability | Behavior | Change Management

Unlock Your Big Deal Energy

Communication | Influence | Leadership

Build High-Performing Teams in the Age AI

Behavior | Change Management | Inspiration

You Are Necessary

Behavior | Collaboration | Emotional Intelligence

You've Got 7 Seconds. Make Them Count!